Winds of Faith

by Pastor Tim Sanders Winds of Faith Ministry

Jesus Paid It All
The old hymn says: For nothing good have I were by thy grace to claim, I’ll wash my garments white in the blood of Cal-v'ry's Lamb. No Winds of Faith have been posted now for two weeks, as things were in a mess from my move to Perry. I know now what the men of old went through when the Lord told them to get thee up out of this place and go to the spot I will show you, and they left all and did it.

As I sat at my kitchen table of my new spot, looking out the window at my new empty bird feeder, I asked the Lord, send me a sparrow that I might know. The next morning a little yellow finch arrived and found the seeds and suet. She stayed and has brought friends ever since. We have named her Lucy and she's generally sitting on the edge of the feeder waiting for me every morning now. I hear my savior say, thy strength indeed is small, child of weakness, watch and pray. Find in Me thine all & all. Thanks, Lord!

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