Winds of Faith - A Seasoning Word

by Pastor Tim Sanders Winds of Faith Ministry

A Seasoning Word

Along towards the end of the old testament, the word records and say's that these things were given to us as an example to help us in this life. Jeramiah writes of a covenant with us, made for our time, that says: “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts and I will be there, God, and they shall be my people.”

What a great shelf of seasonings we have in the old testament of David's life in the Kings & Chronicles, of sons gone bad and daughters violated, of family problems, of broken hearts, of things that should have been one way but went the other. A season and a salt for every time that never loses its savor.
(prayer) Thank you Lord that by letting us live out the many things recorded in the old testament that

you etch out and write the message of the new on our hearts and give us the seasoning that makes it

all real and worth living, amen.
Dear dying lamb, thy precious blood shall never lose its power til all the ransomed church of God

be saved to sin no more. Be saved to sin no more.